LOUD started as a blank page with forty brains thinking about the first step. Ideas for out unborn magazine began to swirl in our minds. Year by year sharped the idea and concept of LOUD. The culture and lifestyle magazine from young adults for young adults deals with different main topics every volume. Our aim is to create interesting new content for you with a national and international view. The mixed team of cultural management, library and information services and exchange students give the magazine a special flair. The goal is to end up with something professional and worth reading.
LOUD 2022
Lead Manager
Henna Rautio
Managing Editors
Jonna Isokoski Nikke Salonen
Editorial team
Mattus Lindfors Sanna Koivuniemi Paula Nurmesniemi Leah-Elisabeth Kerschner Katri Kylmäkorpi Jaana Ruotsalainen
Art Directors
Nina Tuuri (Team leader) Sofia Ketola Miia Kola Lotta Olkkonen Pinja Palosaari